Why diets do not work - that may do more harm than good!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Although usually you can get immediate results, with a fad diet in the long run, you put the weight back. Rapid weight loss is something that is not really healthy for the body. The interesting thing about rapid weight loss is that your body if you go through this kind of pressure that will work to keep the fat!

These immediate results of the diets usually end up nothing more than the loss of water weight. As soon as the body hydrated back, the weight again.Unfortunately, this yo-yo process can be very harmful for the body.


A healthy diet plan and exercise is the only thing that works in the long run. The attempt on the part of the fat surrounding the latest fad diet pill cheating requires only short-term and can be harmful to health. Remember to bring the Hydroxycut a few years ago? The Federal Drug Administration Hydroxycut helps all over-the-counter diet, all 14 of them recalls. Has serious health problems associated with it,including damage to the liver. Honestly, is one of the best places to get a solid weight loss plan from your doctor. Some medical institutions have also diet and exercise schedules are available at no cost to you!

Why Diets Bad for your body

1 Bad diets often promise quick weight loss and easy to eat more food and not a kind of different base. You have the protein-only diet and eat the white stuff-diet to include some names. While some people mayIt follows from these types of diets, the results are usually not sustainable. And adherence to this type of diet will cause malnutrition, which are supplemented by vitamins should develop. The best place to get your vitamins is in your food.

2 diets are often boring and restrictive take-away in a day or two after the shine has rubbed in the mantle beneath the show monotonous and boring. And then your body and the mind plays a trick on you and begins to desire something you can nothave. The debt is to start as you binge.

3 The American Heart Association has made recommendations on dietary foods available. Most high-fat diet does not keep to these recommendations, and often have high fat foods and low in carbohydrates, which, if pursued for a long time suffering from severe heart disease can result.

4 Diets to lose weight, that promise quick results, are only temporary solutions and do not support a permanent change in eating habits. TheThe bottom line is to make permanent changes to eating the way you do. Add fruits and vegetables into your weight loss program and get rid of the "fast food" mentality can make a big difference in your life.

5 can not eat the right portions of protein, fiber, fruits and vegetables lead to serious health problems. Whether you grow the bones, skin, heart or gastrointestinal problems, diets do not work.

No matter what promises a fad diet - the results obtained in the controlonly last for a while '. To achieve lasting results, including a healthy diet plan with regular exercise and the result will be long.

Why diets do not work - that may do more harm than good!

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