What is Hydroxycut? Hydroxycut is the name of 14 dietary supplements in Iovate Iovate Health Sciences USA Inc. markets, distributes the product line as an aid to weight loss, to promote fluid loss and as a energy booster and fat burner. Some of the products are for bodybuilders who are trying to lose fat, so their muscles more "cut", which turns sharp look.
What are the serious problems with the liver, these products are? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announcedthat 23 people who had used the products for weight loss has suffered serious health problems. Most of these symptoms of liver damage involved, such as liver enzymes and jaundice, a yellowing of the skin and eyes, both are indicators of possible liver damage. A boy of 19 years died of liver failure, and many others suffered severe liver damage requiring liver transplants.
What are the symptoms of liver damage? In addition to jaundice, liver damage occurs asdiscolored, dark brown urine, excessive tiredness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, itching, loss of appetite, stools, and stomach or abdominal pain. Some people experience these symptoms while taking Hydroxycut. Others noted the symptoms that a few months after they started using them.
There were other health problems? The FDA also reported that people with seizures Hydroxycut products, cardiovascular disease, and rhabdomyolysis, an expertBreakdown of muscle tissue, resulting in renal failure.
That the user uses the product as directed and in the correct dosage? In any case, the victim of weight loss product in the recommended doses had used and had the label instructions.
How serious is the FDA is believed to be the problem? The FDA added a warning letter to the whole nation in the health sector, a "Dear Doctor" letter, stating his belief that the products Hydroxycuta serious threat to health. You can read the full text of the letter from the FDA on the FDA website, http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/PublicHealthFocus/ucm155847.htm
Iovate that, the dealers do? Iovate drew the entire line of products from traffic.
What are the names of the recalled products? Hydroxycut products withdrawn hours are:
Caffeine-Free Quick-release capsules Hardcore Liquid Capsules Packages drink without caffeine Hardcore Food Packages(Key-Stix) Max Food Packages Liquid Shots Hardcore RTD (Ready-to-drink) Aqua Max Shed 24 Carb Control Natural Regular Food Packages
What does the FDA recommends that people have used Hydroxycut products? The advice comes from Linda Katz, integrate, MD, Interim Chief Medical Officer, FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, the group that issues all safety messages. Dr. Katz recommends that anyone who has used one of these products andThe symptoms associated with their use should consult your doctor or other healthcare professional.
Hydroxycut and liver failure - the FAQ and facts
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