How To Get Rid Of Stomach Fat

Sunday, September 25, 2011

This article will show you five great ways to burn fat from your body and successfully keep it off.

1.Elevate your metabolism for the day


Especially if you want to burn safely and efficiently a lot of fat, the fastest way is through cardio, not a lie, people, any form of cardiovascular work. I prefer to run, while others prefer to ride a bike. Best part of cardio is that there are traces of a star or marathon runners for the execution of its benefits.You need only run the pumps at a level of intensity where the heart is at about 70% of maximum heart rate. Calculate the maximum heart rate by taking 200 and subtracting your age. Now multiply that by 0.70 and the intensity you should be shooting for you.

To get good results, run 3 times a week, preferably in the morning before breakfast for about 20 minutes. Why before breakfast? Just burn, so that stored fat, which is already in your body. If you were joggingAfter breakfast you burn calories, had just taken

Eating a great way to get your metabolism burning like a small car 4-6 meals a day. This may take some discipline on your part, since most people do not consume the program open more than 3 meals a day. Remember that the body is constantly burning calories, and at the same time your body is in constant need of calories, so I like to call it "Feeding the machine." Try to eat every2-3 hours and force yourself to get up early and NEVER forget to eat breakfast, I can't emphasize this enough, there's a reason why people say it's the most important meal of the day, because it is! Breakfast helps jump start your metabolism and turns it on for the whole day. So step one is very important to the success of burning fat.

2. Do Away With Fast Food!

I know what you're all saying, "But it's so cheap and delicious and convenient.." Let me tell you something, it may be cheap and perhaps good tasting but think of it as if you're paying for it in terms of your body's figure and shape. Fast food can greatly prevent fat loss from occurring so it's best to completely remove it from your diet if at all possible, and it is. Here let me explain why you should remove fast food from your diet. It contains plenty of "Trans Fat." What is trans fat? Trans fat is manufactured fat; it acts as very bad saturated fat. Just 2-3 grams of it per day will cause long-term effects in your body; it reduces muscle mass and tells the body to store more fat.

Here's a tip: when you go out for dinner try to pick something healthy, no breaded garbage, no burgers, and definitely steer clear from the greasy French fries! If you can't find something healthy to eat then pick something and don't eat all of your food! Eating half of the bad stuff is better then having the whole thing. But try to sway from fast food, maybe, MAYBE once a month would be okay, any more frequent consumption and you have a problem..

3. Drink More Water!

The human body is composed of roughly 70% water. Not only do you need it to survive, but you also need it to maintain nutrient balance distribution in your body. One of the great benefits about drinking water for fat loss is it makes for a very effective appetite suppressant. Whenever you get the urge for some Doritos, drink some water instead, you'll find it works wonderfully. Also, even if you're not thirsty drink some water, the reason you get thirsty is because your body is telling you it's in desperate need of water! At this point you've neglected your body's requirement of water intake. 64oz of water intake per day is recommended, it's very important to keep your body hydrated.

4. Build Lean Muscle!

Let's not forget muscle building is also quite vital for successfully burning fat from your body. Burning fat essentially means expending energy. As you build more muscle you expend more energy and burn more fat. The body has a default resting metabolic rate (RMR), which becomes more efficient and increases as you build more lean muscle mass in your body. To be brief, the more lean muscle mass in your body, the higher your resting metabolic rate, the more fat you burn doing absolutely nothing! It's a win-win!

5. Skip The Hype!

Don't do harmful things to your body like taking hydroxycut products; these are a complete waste of your time and money. The best ways for you to burn fat is to trigger your own fat-burning mechanisms and hormones.

How To Get Rid Of Stomach Fat

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